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Digital Stable News

Horse Pastures

Spring Fertilization Guide for Horse Pastures: Ensuring Safe and Nutritious Grazing

As spring arrives, horse owners and stable managers face the crucial task of preparing their pastures for the grazing season. Proper fertilization is essential for …

120% Cost Deduction for E-Invoicing

Investments: What Belgian Equine Businesses Need to Know? E-invoicing is becoming mandatory in Belgium for B2B transactions starting January 1, 2026. This means businesses must …

Get Ahead of E-Invoicing Mandates in Belgium and Europe: Why Equicty is the Solution for Your Stable Business

Why Equicty is the Solution for Your Stable Business As an equine professional managing horse stables, you already juggle countless responsibilities—from horse care to client …

Equicty: The Essential Tool for Equestrian Professionals, Not Just Horse Enthusiasts

As passionate horse enthusiasts, we understand the deep connection between riders and their equine companions. However, managing a stable requires more than just love for …

Why Digital Transformation Outshines Traditional Stable Management: The Smarter Choice for Modern Equestrian Businesses with Equicty

Imagine you’re managing a bustling stable. Between feeding, training, medical care, and communicating with staff and horse owners, the demands seem endless. Perhaps you’re coordinating …

Wie Olympiasieger Ludger Beerbaum seinen Stall mit Equicty verwaltet

From Whiteboard Chaos to Digital Zen: How Olympic Champion Ludger Beerbaum Manages His Stable With Equicty. Let’s explore!

Even legends like Ludger Beerbaum, seven-time Olympic showjumping champion with four gold medals, can tell you how difficult it is to manage a stable with …

Collaboration between Equicty and Global Global Equestrian Group

Press Release – Equicty Teams Up with Global Equestrian Group to Enhance Stable Operations

Equicty Teams Up with Global Equestrian Group to Enhance Stable Operations Waregem – Belgium, March 28, 2024 – Equicty, a leading provider of stable management …

3 Reasons Why Equicty Will Work Great for Any Stable

Great Digital Stable Management Software provides you with the tools you need to simplify your business, and your life! It can save you hours on …

Digitalisation of the horse industry

Interview: The Digitalisation of the Horse Industry

Evelyn Bejan former Digital MBA student meets Co-Founder Samir Brahimi to discuss the digitalisation of the horse industry. To illustrate the performance of connected stables, …

digital stable management with equicty

Cira Baeck | Fully Implemented Digital Stable Management Solution

Cira Baeck has a story that is quite unique, yet she still decided to use digital stable management to run her business. In this article, …

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